About Us

Christopher Power & Darryl Reeves
Christopher Power & Darryl Reeves

Christopher Power

Christopher has 10+ years of experience of consciously and deliberately living his personal unique Human Design on a daily basis. For the past six years, he has been teaching it to individuals and groups. His popularity has grown dramatically in the past four years and he is in increasing demand with business groups and leaders. Some of his most popular Human Design programs have had in excess of 10,000 participants and to date, his personal one-on-one clients number in excess of 3,000.

His early life training and discipline was in Science and Mathematics where he holds a Bachelor of Science with Honours from Melbourne University, Australia.

Christopher’s more than forty years experience in Science, Mathematics, Teaching Business, Alternative Sciences, Presenting, and Personal Growth fuel his passion for Human Design. He has a broad and inclusive vision and is a natural innovator with very high standards for truth, integrity and practical usefulness in whatever he creates. It is obvious to anyone spending time with him, he loves his work and is passionate about it!

In line with, “Timing is everything!” Christopher feels strongly that NOW is the tipping point for Human Design Consciousness in the world. Going forward there will be a dramatic explosion of interest in the subject across a broad range of society and he is strategically and energetically positioned and poised to lead the charge!

Darryl Reeves

Described by others as an “influential leader”, “savvy and determined”, “generous”, “charismatic” and, more. In his own words, he is a passionate man with a quirky wit and a good sense of humor. Darryl loves conversations about the meaning of life, the universe, non-material/spiritual matters, and all manner of other “important stuff like, wine, sunsets, family and, even kids.” He has that notable disarming charm that, seldom takes oneself too seriously.

Darryl is a family man with two well loved and respected adult children in their thirties, grand kids and, a primary-school infant that everyone in Darryl’s circle knows, has been a life changing experience in his journey. Together with his wife and infant daughter in Asia, Darryl travels frequently and is most definitely, a ‘Global Citizen’.

As an active entrepreneur during the past four decades Darryl has initiated several successful startups and consulted to many more. He’s quoted as saying, “I know when I see an idea whose time has come and I enjoy being a significant catalyst in the vital initiating phases.”

In November 2015 he met Christopher Power through a mutual friend and was introduced to the Human Design technology. In HD-speak, Darryl is an ‘Emotional Manifestor’ with a, ‘1-3 Profile’. Like any emotionally-defined person should do “naturally”, he has taken his time to digest and incorporate the knowledge and understandings into his experience. Now almost four years on, he works closely with Christopher to support the promotion of this and other helpful technologies to facilitate the potential of people desiring to grow, enjoy their lives and, give back in their own truly unique ways.